Smithsonian Museum of American History

This 150-year timeline is a progressive project that I add to as I prepare each class; it is currently complete through Class 10, though my selection of works and events is somewhat arbitrary. As you see, I make a distinction in placement between the two countries, and in color between practical and cultural events. Where dates are approximate or extend over several years, I have chosen a single date somewhat arbitrarily, just to have something to put on the chart, though items may not be in order within a given year. The artworks mentioned are representative of the many more discussed in class; the abbreviations are: (a) visual arts, (m) music, (w) writing. rb.

1770   1780   1790   1800   1810   1820   1830   1840   1850   1860   1870   1880   1890   1900   1910   1920  

back to top1770s
 1770Captain Cook lands in Australia
  West: Death of Wolfe at Quebec (a)
 1771First cotton mill opens
 1772John Newton: Amazing Grace (hymn)
Boston Tea Party1773 
First Continental Congress1774Dance: Portrait of Lord North (a)
Washington takes command of Continental Army1775Britain hires Hessian mercenaries
Declaration of Independence1776Adam Smith: The Wealth of Nations (w)
Washington crosses the Delaware to attack Trenton  
Tom Paine: Common Sense (w)  
Articles of Confederation adopted1777Iron Bridge at Coalbrookdale
Earl: Portrait of Roger Sherman (a)  
American treaties with France and Holland1778Catholic Relief Act
Congress prohibits import of slaves  
back to top1780s
 1780Gordon Riots against Catholic Relief Act
Americans defeat British at Yorktown1781British surrender at Yorktown
  Fuseli: The Nightmare (a)
Bank of North America established1782 
Stuart: The Skater (a)  
Treaty of Paris ends War of Independence1783Treaty of Paris ends War of Independence
 1786Samuel Meikle invents the threshing machine
  David Dale builds New Lanark
 1788The Times begins publication
[Storming of the Bastille; French Revolution begins]1789[Storming of the Bastille; French Revolution begins]
US Constitution adopted  
George Washington inaugurated as first President  
back to top1790s
US Patent Office issues first patent1790 
Pierre L'Enfant's plans for Washingon1791 
US Capitol begun  
Bill of Rights ratified  
 1792Wollstonecraft: Vindication of the Rights of Woman (w)
Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin1793Britain goes to war with France
Slater and Brown open spinning mill in Rhode Island  
Franklin: Autobiography published in English (w)  
 1796Beckford's Fonthill Abbey begun
John Adams becomes second President1797 
Benjamin: The Country Builder's Assistant (w)  
 1798Edward Jenner delivers first vaccine
  Coleridge & Wordsworth: Lyrical Ballads (w)
back to top1800s
Library of Congress founded1800Act of Union creates the United Kingdom
Thornton's US Capitol begun  
Thomas Jefferson becomes third President1801Loutherbourg: Coalbrookdale by Night (a)
First steam-powered pumping station, Philadelphia  
Eli Whitney builds rifles with interchangeable parts  
Eluthère du Pont opens gunpowder mill1802 
Louisiana Purchase1803 
 1804Richard Trevithick builds first steam locomotive
  Blake: Jerusalem (w)
 1805Lord Nelson defeats Napoleon at Trafalgar
  Scott: The Lay of the Last Minstrel (w)
Latrobe: Baltimore Basilica1806 
Robert Fulton invents the steamboat1807Slave trading made illegal (but not ownership)
James Madison becomes the fourth President1809 
back to top1810s
War of 18121812War of 1812
 1813London Philharmonic Society established
Jethro Woods invents first plough with repaceable blade1814 
Second Ku Klux Klan founded1815Duke of Wellington defeats Napoleon at Waterloo
  Nash: Royal Pavillion, Brighton
West: Franklin Drawing Electricity from the Sky (a)1816 
James Monroe becomes the fifth President1817 
Plan for Erie Canal drawn up  
 1818Mary Shelley: Frankenstein (w)
 1819Peterloo Massacre suppresses calls for reform
back to top1820s
Irving: Sketchbook of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. (stories)1820Opening of Stockton and Darlington railway
  George III dies; George IV becomes king
  John McAdam develops road construction technique
  Clare publishes The Village Minstrel (w)
 1821Constable: The Hay Wain (a)
 1822Royal Aademy of Music founded
Monroe Doctrine establishes US foreign policy1823 
Completion of the Erie Canal1825 
Cooper: The Last of the Mohicans (w)1826Amelia Opie: The Negro's Complaint (w)
Andrew Jackson becomes President1829Robert Peel sets up Metropolitan Police
back to top1830s
Indian Removal Act1830George IV dies; William IV becomes king
Opening of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Opening of Liverpool–Manchester railway
Nat Turner's revolt1831Constable: Salisbury Cathedral from the Meadows (a)
McCormick patents the reaper  
 1832Parliament passes Great Reform Act
Walter Hunt invents sewing machine; doesn't patent it1833Slavery abolished in the British Empire
 1834Houses of Parliament burnt down
Alexis de Tocqueville: Democracy in America (w)1835 
Samuel Colt invents the revolver1836Pugin: Contrasts (w)
McGuffey: Eclectic Readers (w) Paxton builds Conservatory at Chatsworth
Cole: The Oxbow and The Course of Empire (a)  
Oberlin becomes the first coeducational college in the US1837William IV dies; Victoria becomes queen
Samule Morse patents the telegraph Charles Babbage's Analtrical Engine described
Hawthorne: Twice-Told Tales (w)  
Cooper: Gleanings in Europe (w)  
 1838First rail line into London opens (from Birmingham)
  Dickens: Nicholas Nickleby (w)
back to top1840s
Longfellow: The Village Blacksmith (w)1840Penny post inaugurated
  International Conference on Slavery, London
  Vaccination for the poor introduced
  Rebuilding of Houses of Parliament begins
Poe: The Murders in the Rue Morgue (w)1841 
First operation using ether1842Dickens: American Notes (w)
Morse demonstrates his telegraph Nash: All Souls, Langham Place
Charles Dickens' first visit to America  
Alexander: Portrait of Charles Dickens (a)  
Longfellow: Poems on Slavery (w)  
 1843Brunel launches the Great Eastern
  Opening of the Thames Tunnel
  Balfe: The Bohemian Girl (m)
  Elzabeth Barrett: Cry of the Children (w)
 1844Hood: The Bridge of Sighs (w)
Journalist John O'Sullivan coins term "Manifest Destiny"1845Irish potato famine (to 1849)
Thoreau builds cabin at Walden Pond  
Robert Mills submits designs for Washington Monument  
Margaret Fuller: Woman in the Nineteenth Century (w)  
Mexican War begins1846Winterhalter: Family of Queen Victoria (a)
Melville: Typee (w)  
Mexican War ends with the acquisition of CA and NM1848DG Rossetti founds the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood
California gold rush begins  
First Women's Convention, Seneca Falls  
Renwick: Smithsonian building1849 
back to top1850s
Fugitive Slave Act passed1850 
Missouri Compromise  
Hawthorne: The Scarlet Letter (w)  
Melvile: Moby-Dick (w)1851The Great Exhibition
Leutze: Washington Crossing the Delaware (a) Saltaire founded by Sir Titus Salt
Stowe: Uncle Tom's Cabin (w)1852Millais: Ophelia (a)
Commodore Perry opens trade with Japan1853Crimean War begins
Republican Party founded on abolitionist platform1854Brunel: Paddington Station
Fry writes Niagara Symphony for PT Barnum (m) Foster: Jeanie with the light brown hair (m)
  Gaskell: North and South (w)
Longfellow: The Song of Hiawatha (w)1855Holman Hunt: The Awakening Conscience (a)
 1856Crimean War ends
Supreme Court rejects Dred Scott's petition for freedom1857Sepoy Rebellion (aka. Indian Mutiny)
Elisha Otis demonstrates the safety elevator  
 1858Proclamation of the British Raj (government takeover)
  Egg: Past and Present (a)
First oil well, at Titusville PA1859Barker: Relief of Lucknow (a)
John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry Darwin: On the Origin of Species (w)
Johnson: Negro Life at the South (a) Webb & Morris: The Red House
Bierstadt visits the Rockies for the first time Christina Rossetti: Goblin Market (w)
  Tennyson: Idylls of the King, first volume (w)
back to top1860s
Abraham Lincoln elected president1860Florence Nightingale founds School of Nursing
Winchester repeating rifle Scott: Iron and Coal (a)
Civil War begins1861Albert, Prince Consort dies; Victoria goes into mourning
Leutze: Westward the Course of Empire (a) Eliot: Silas Marner (w)
Hugues Merle: The Scarlet Letter (a) Isabella Beeton: Book of Household Management (w)
  William Morris founds Morris & Co.
 1862Nicholls: Victorian Family at the Seaside (a)
Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation1863London Underground opens
First oil pipeline1864Natural History Museum begun
  Patmore: The Angel in the House, vol 1 (w)
Civil War ends1865 
Lincoln assassinated  
Ku Klux Klan founded  
Whitman: When lilacs last in the dooryard bloomed (w)  
13th Amendment ends slavery1866Lewis Carroll: Alice in Wonderland (w)
Susan B. Anthony founds American ERA  
Johnson: Fiddling his Way (a)  
Invention of barbed wire1867Royal Albert Hall begun
Charles Dickens' second visit to America1868Joseph Lister discovers disinfectant
Alcott: Little Women (w) Waterhouse: Manchester Town Hall
Transcontinental railroad completed1869 
back to top1870s
 1870Education Act ensures universal schooling
  First Married Women's Property Act
President Grant proscribes the Ku Klux Klan1871Opening of the Royal Albert Hall
Yellowstone National Park created1872Eliot: Middlemarch (w)
Alcott: Work: a Story of Experience (w)  
Christopher Latham Sholes invents the typewriter1873 
Homer: The Red Schoolhouse  
First structural steel bridge (Mississippi at St. Louis)1874 
American Natural History Museum begun  
Art Students League of NY founded1875 
Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone1876Queen Victoria declared Empress of India
Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia  
Central Park opened in NYC  
Battle of Little Bighorn  
Mark Twain: Tom Sawyer (w)  
Edison invents the phonogaph1877 
Great Railroad Strike nationwide  
Thomas Edison creates first commercial light bulb1879 
Revised edition of McGuffey Readers  
Carr: The Beach at Coney Island (a)  
back to top1880s
Richardson: Albany City Hall1880Primary education made compulsory
Tuskegee Institute founded1881 
 1882Forth Bridge begun
Brooklyn Bridge opened1883Royal College of Music founded
Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn (w)1884 
Gast: American Progress (a)1885 
Statue of Liberty dedicated1886 
Burnham & Root: Monadnock Building, Chicago  
George Eastman releases the Kodak box camera1888Kipling: Plain Tales from the Hills (w)
 1889Grove: Dictionary of Music (m)
  Gilbert & Sullivan: The Gondoliers (m)
back to top1890s
Massacre at Wounded Knee1890 
Jacob Riis: How the Other Half Lives (w)  
Jesse Reno introduces escalator as a ride at Coney Island1891Hardy: Tess of the d'Urbervilles (w)
Carnegie Hall opened in New York  
Ives: Variations on "America" (m)  
World's Columbian Exposition held in Chicago1893 
Dvorak: From the New World (Symphony 9, m)  
Henry Ford builds his first automobile1896 
 1897World's first wireless station (Isle of Wight)
  Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee
  Kipling: Recessional (w)
Spanish-American War; US gains in Caribbean and Pacific1898Coleridge-Taylor: Hiawatha's Wedding Feast (m)
Eakins: Salutat (a)  
Spanish-American War; US gains the Philippines &c.1899Elgar: Enigma Variations (m)
Frank Norris: McTeague (w)  
back to top1900s
 1900Dicksee: The Two Crowns (a)
McMillan plans for Washington Mall1901Queen Victoria dies; Edward VII becomes king
Panama Canal opened Drummond: Assumption of Queen Victoria (a)
  Kipling: Kim (w)
Willis Carrier designs first air-conditioning system1902Edward German: Merrie England (m)
Frank Lloyd Wright: Ward Willits House, Chicago Charles Rennie Mackintosh: Hill House, Helensburgh
  Beatrix Potter: The Tale of Peter Rabbit (w)
Wright Brothers make their first powered flight1903 
Herbert: Babes in Toyland, his first operetta (m)  
Great Train Robbery movie opens  
Heny Ford introduces the Model T1908 
Bellows: The Beach at Coney Island (a)  
back to top1910s
 1910Aston Webb begins redesign of the Mall
  Ethel Smyth: March of the Women (m)
Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire in NYC1911 
 1912Elgar and Harrison: Masque, Crown of India (m)
Armory Show in New York City1913"Cat and Mouse Act" passed to deal with hunger strikers
DW Griffith: The Birth of a Nation (film)1915 
Berlin: God Bless America (m)1918Women of property gain the right to vote
back to top1920s
19th Amendment gives women the right to vote1920 
 1921British Empire reaches its maximum size
Melville's unfinished Billy Budd published1924 
Philo Farnsworth demonstrates the first television1927 
 1928All women gain the right to vote

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