6. Words for Music. Finally, words written specifically to be set to music, whether by a close collaborator or the lyricists themselves. Among many possibilities, we can distinguish between songs in which the music dominates and those in which the words do. The first hour is devoted to Songs of Fantasy, dealing with loss, yearning, and escape. The second hour, by contrast, will concentrate on Songs of Life, that have dealt with contemporary conditions throughout history.

No special preparation is required for this class. The text handout does include the full lyrics of all the songs we shall hear; you can look through them now, if you like, or come back to them for reference after. They will still be available after the class, together with the usual slides, script, and video links.

All the videos shown in class are available on YouTube at the links below, with the single exception of Yum Yum's song from the ENO production; I have substituted an extract from the film Topsy Turvy, in which the role is played in slightly tipsy fashion by Shirley Henderson.

  Gilbert & Sullivan: The Mikado
Ko Ko's song, "I've got a little list"
D'Oyly Carte Opera, John Reed
Gilbert & Sullivan: The Mikado
Yum Yum's song, "The sun whose rays"
D'Oyly Carte Opera, Valerie Masterson
  Gilbert & Sullivan: The Mikado
Yum Yum's song, "The sun whose rays"
Shirley Henderson in Topsy Turvy (1999)
Gilbert & Sullivan: The Mikado
Ko Ko's song, "I've got a little list"
English National Opera, Richard Stuart
  Gilbert & Sullivan: The Pirates of Penzance
Major General's song, "The modern major general"
George Rose in the 1983 film, with Kevin Kline
Harris: “After the ball is over”
Excerpt from Show Boat
Rebecca Baxter on PBS
  Harris: “After the ball is over”
Opening lines and chorus
Performed by the composer in old video
Harburg & Arlen: "Somewhere over the Rainbow"
Scene from The Wizard of Oz (1939)
Judy Garland
  Arlen: "Somewhere over the Rainbow"
Instrumental cover
Yo-Yo Ma and Kathryn Stott
Mercer & Mancini: "Moon River"
Scene from Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)
Audrey Hepburn, with George Peppard
  Steven Sondheim interview
Discussing "Send in the Clowns"
Also with Sally Ann Howes and Paul Gemignani
Sondheim: A Little Night Music
"Send in the Clowns"
Dame Judi Dench in concert
  Cohan: "Over There"
Scene from Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942)
James Cagney
Harburg & Gorey: "Brother, can you Spare a Dime?"
Contemporary cover video
Bruce Hearn
  Yellen & Ager: "Happy Days are Here Again!"
Contemporary video reconstruction
The Army Stars (Belgium)
Yellen & Ager: "Happy Days are Here Again!"
Audio cover
Barbra Streisand (1962)
  Coward: "Bad times just around the corner"
Original audio
Sung by the composer, 1952
Francisco: "Adrenalin Rush"
Rudy Francisco in performance
World Poetry Slam finals, 2017
  Ice-T: Power
"I'm your pusher"
Rap video, 1988
Miranda: Hamilton
Dialogue and "My Shot"
Lin-Manuel Miranda and cast, 2016



Writers of words (w) and music (m) as shown above, chronologically by rows:
1. WS Gilbert (1836–1911, w), Arthur Sullivan (1842–1900, m), Charles K. Harris (1867–1930, wm), George M. Cohan (1878–1942, wm)
2. Jack Yellen (1892–1991, w), Milton Ager (1893–1979, m), Yip Harburg (1896–1981, w), Jay Gorney (1896–1990, w)
3. Noel Coward (1899–1973, wm), Harold Arlen (1905–86, m), Johnny Mercer (1909–76, w), Henry Mancini (1924–94, m)
4. Stephen Sondheim (1930–2021, wm), Ice-T (Lauren Morrow, b.1958, w), Lin-Manuel Miranda (b.1980, wm), Rudy Francisco (b.1982, w)

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